5 inspiring books on gardening with children

2004 ~ Little A in her first garden with Dad
I recently found myself with a large pile of books in front of me on the topic of:  Gardening with Children.  Many of the books that I flipped through repeated the same information with similar ideas and photos of plants.

2006 ~ Little A planting seeds in her second garden, she's always had a green thumb!
I was looking for a book with something new and different so when I came across the following 5 books, I had to jot down the names for future reference!  Filled with  pages of fresh ideas, vibrant photos and fun suggestions on how to really inspire your child in the garden, I feel these books truly stand out from the rest.

Clare Matthews

Clare Matthews

 Whitney Cohen and John Fisher

Amanda Grant

Chris Collins
Good reads to keep an eye out for at your local bookstore or public library!   If you know of any other terrific books on the topic to add to my reading pile, please let me know!
Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your book list with us! I hope you join us again (yeah I know it’s a day late… linky issues) at Eco-Kids Tuesday!!


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